
Daily diary – September 28 2024

The wind had picked up over night, but we still had calm seas to sail out into. This morning, we came across a pair of humpback whales only 30 minutes from leaving the harbour. They were very chill and would take their time in between dives. As we went out further into the bay, we spotted 3 more blows from more humpback whales, but they kept diving for really long times too! As we started to head back, we got to see a fluke dive from one of the humpbacks.

This afternoon, the wind had calmed down but instead we got a little bit of rain! This didn´t stop us from enjoying the tour. We headed out and again, after 30 minutes, found one of the humpbacks from this morning! It would only surface once before diving again for a 3-5 minutes. Just as we were leaving, it gave us a beautiful fluke dive. We headed out and came across a pod of harbour porpoises jumping through the waves. We saw another humpback whale go for a dive and whilst waiting for it to show up again, we saw a minke whale. Unfortunately, the humpback whale didn´t come back so we headed off where we could see 2 more blows. There were another pair of humpback whales and one of them came right behind our boat! What an incredible end to our tour.


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