Daily Diary – July 26 2024

The two tours of the day were successful, the Humpback whales were there. During the first tour we met two Humpback whales, one of which jumped. But the second tour was more interesting, we observed a Humpback whale with different behaviour:
- Firstly, it was sleeping. We know this because it swam at a slow and constant speed a few metres below the surface of the water and came up to the surface at regular intervals to breathe.
- Secondly, she woke up and started to dive a bit deeper where we could observe her fluke many times.
- Thirdly, a jump!
A jump can be interpreted in several ways, it can be for fun, to communicate or even to remove the parasites they may have on their bodies thanks to the impact with the surface of the water. The whale we observed had a thin dorsal fin covered in barnacle, a whale parasite. So maybe the aim of this jump was to get him off the hook.
By the way, thank you so much for the video Katarina!
Guides of the day: Eva and Romane