Daily diary – February 9 2025

We set sail out to Hafnarfjodur this morning, with the winds against us, and on our way over we spotted some white-beaked dolphins! It has been a long time since we’ve seen any, probably not since November! We stayed for a short while before they disappeared and carried on with our journey. Once we reached the destination, we couldn’t find the humpback whale in its normal spot, but did end up finding it a little bit further along the coast. It was swimming as normal, and then out of nowhere, it breached!!!! It was then followed by a chin-slapping breach and then it carried on again! What an amazing thing to see! We then headed off back home thinking we wouldn’t see anything else but were met by another humpback whale that we had seen before! It must have heard all of the commotion because it also breached 3 times! We stopped by for some time before heading the rest of our journey back home.

For the afternoon, we headed back to Hafnarfjodur! Just outside Reykjavik harbour, we came across a pod of harbour porpoises! When we finally reached the other harbour, we found the two humpback whales swimming in the same area. One of them was diving for quite long so we focused on the other one! It was still feeding like it did this morning, and swimming around the boat. Just as we were leaving, it came up really close to the bow of the boat! It was a very good day for spotting humpback whales!


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Saturday, February 22, 2025

Whale Watching at
09:15 – ON
13:15 – ON
Northern Lights Cruise at
21:00 – ON

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Whale Watching at
09:15 – ON
13:15 – ON
Northern Lights Cruise at
21:00 – ON