Daily diary – January 11 2025

The calm seas were perfect for us to sail into, even though it was cloudy, there was enough sun peaking through the clouds to light up the mountains and sea. When we reached the area from yesterday, the two humpbacks were seen swimming very nearby to one another. There were so many birds feeding in the area as well, so there must have been so much fish as well. As we approached, the more shy humpback whale slowly swam away from us, leaving us with the very active one. It was surfacing again every few minutes and not really going for any long dives! After enjoying watching it for a while, we moved on to find the other humpback whale. And we did! However, it seemed to have dived and was down for over 20 minutes, so we circled back round to the other individual before we had to leave. What a beautiful moment we had, when it swam right under the bow of the boat. So many seals were caught watching us as well.