Daily Diary – July 28 2024

Morning Adventure
The rain fell gently, creating a soothing rhythm as we stepped onto the boat. The gray sea stretched out before us, and our excitement bubbled over. Four humpback whales graced us with their presence—their massive tails breaking the surface as they dived. Cameras clicked, capturing their elegance.
But the real magic happened when the dolphins arrived. Playful and synchronized, they danced alongside our boat. Four of them leaped in unison, as if choreographed by nature itself. We clapped, laughed, and marveled at their acrobatics.
Afternoon Quest
The afternoon held its own surprises. Despite the rain, our spirits soared. A solitary humpback whale appeared, tail-slapping the water with gusto. Then, out of nowhere, it breached—an explosion of water and energy. Our gasps echoed its leap.
As we returned to shore, wet but content, we knew this day would linger in our hearts—the morning’s dolphins and the afternoon’s daring whale. Nature had painted a masterpiece, and we were lucky witnesses.
Guides of today – morning tour-Sverrir, afternoon tour – Romane 🌊🐋😊