
Daily Diary – May 1st 2024

whale tail

On a sunny day with calm seas, our 9:15 tour aboard the Amelia Rose set off to explore the wonders of the ocean. Almost immediately, we were greeted by a pod of white-beaked dolphins, treating us to their playful antics and acrobatic leaps. Continuing our journey, a flurry of seabirds caught our attention, signaling the presence of something remarkable nearby. Sure enough, we were soon in the company of a small group of feeding minke whales. And on the horizon, distant yet discernible, some harbour porpoises added to the spectacle of this morning adventure.

Under the same spectacular weather conditions, our 13:15 PM tour aboard the Amelia Rose embarked on another journey of discovery. Once again, we were treated to the breathtaking sight of white-beaked dolphins frolicking in the waves, their playful energy contagious. As we cruised further, the familiar presence of seabirds alerted us to yet another awe-inspiring encounter: at least 4 four minke whales gracefully gliding through the waters. Also, the unmistakable silhouette of harbour porpoises added a touch of magic to our afternoon adventure.
Finally, one last surprise: as we were almost back, we found one more minke whale popping up close to Engey island.


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