
Daily diary – October 16 2024

Although it was very foggy this morning, the sea was perfect! So flat, it was like a mirror. After an hour of travelling through the fog, we finally found a pod of harbour porpoises. They were feeding around the birds and swimming really fast! We then turned around to find a humpback whale just behind us! It was swimming really close to the boat and then eventually swam into the fog! We headed back all really happy.

The fog had slowly started to lift, and the sea was still as calm as this morning! We ventured out and soon came across another pod of harbour porpoises! We kept on sailing as they swam past the boat so that we could find more marine life! After a little while longer, we found a pod of white-beaked dolphins! They swam all around the boat and the passengers were very happy! After leaving the dolphins, we soon came across the humpback whale from this morning! This time we could see it feeding on all of the fish around us! You could see millions of sandeels around the boat and in the distance!


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