
Daily diary – October 20 2024

The southerly winds made it a little bit wavy this morning, but nothing we couldn´t handle! We set sail and found a pair of humpback whales! They swam right up to us and under our boat! We could really appreciate how big these 2 individuals were. Around us we could see minke whales and one swam across the front of the boat. We then continued out and found a small pod of white-beaked dolphins! After staying with them a while, we headed back to the harbour ready for the afternoon tour.

The waves had calmed down and the sun came out! We were able to find the pair of humpback whales again, but they were a lot calmer than the morning too! Once we had seen them fluke dive, we headed out and saw a few minke whales too. They weren´t hanging around too much, so we headed further out and found a third humpback whale! This one wasn´t too interested in us however, so we sailed towards the mountains and found a pod of 6 white-beaked dolphins! They were having fun and did some bow-riding!! What a great afternoon.


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